Monday, January 16, 2012

Meet the Canadian, Eh!

Hello everyone. I'm guessing I am the only Canadian in this competition, but that's ok, although I would love to be there will all of you for support and I miss the mountains there, gosh they are beautiful!

A little about me. Well, it's pretty sad that I am overweight because I didn't used to be and I have all of the resources at my fingertips to be healthy and in shape (my parents own a health food store, I am a Zumba instructor and I have an amazing amount of muscle mass that should just eat up all the fat in my body)unfortunately I went through a really bad few years (car accident, lost job x2, lost boyfriend x2, lost grandfather x2 and lost dog) most of which happened within 6 months and I ended up in a depression that lasted for a couple of years. Anyway, not to be a downer I am now on the upside of things and lost quite a bit of weight last year, unfortunately again most of it has been put back on so now I am looking for a different way to make the weight loss more permanent. I am especially motivated since I have about 6 months until my 30th birthday so I am ready to get back on things, and I miss my thin self from last summer.

How am I going to accomplish this you ask, well I have this new outlook about this year which is that I pretend that I am already the person I want to be. For example I will ask myself "would the girl I want to be just veg in front of the t.v or would she get off her but and go workout?" So far it's not going too bad, but there's always room for improvement. I've also found a new diet that I am having really great results with and it's completely reasonable and still allows me to exercise ( something last year’s diet did not let me do without feeling sick.)

I look forward to following everyone's progress and I know we'll all look great at the end of March. As a tool to help everyone I've created a printable calendar (that looks like a smaller version of the one from MTV's 'I Used To Be Fat') that you can print out and count down the days that we have left. Just contact me and I will email the PDF to you.


  1. I'd love a copy! Thanks :) Looking forward to getting to know you better.
    jill mennig at yahoo dot com
